Bellewether Review (Response 2)


Mark Robert Rapacz

                The farm is the backbone of every society. It was the first occupation recorded as Adam and Eve toiled in the Garden of Eden after the fall of man. Farmers are often criticized for being unintelligent and backward but if one takes the time to think, he would realize that a farmer’s institution was the beginning of civilizations. Whether the farm raises produce or poultry, its importance cannot be underestimated for farming encourages self-sustainment instead of reliance on government to provide for one’s needs.

                In this story, Mr. Rapacz depicts the lives of a few sheep farmers in seemingly the American back country. A drunken scumbag of a father lives at the farmstead and occasionally helps with the chores but the brunt of the work falls on a boy named Paul and his older sister, Louanne. These people speak rough English, work all day, and are determined never to quit or else suffer self-induced ridicule. These two siblings hate their father so much, they even discuss murdering him while they walk the fields and tend to their sheep. As the story progresses, the reader discovers that Louanne is carrying her father’s baby and is disgusted at this case of incest, at least I was. The only bright side of this situation is that after the birth of this illegitimate child, the father’s life style turns completely around as he no longer beats the children and helps out with the house chores.

                The story has much dialogue and the reader can definitely follow the movement by seeing how the characters communicate with each other. Louanne is sometimes cross with Paul, Pa constantly fusses at the children, and there is just no happy medium in the household. It seems the passing of the mother might be causing the family to fall apart. I did not feel profited or edified from reading this story but I assume that someone who grew up under difficult circumstances like these could relate and might be encouraged to know that he is not the only one who lives a hard life.

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